Our Vision
The Kenneth Campfield Outreach Foundation, Inc. ( KCCOF) is a non-profit foundation incorporated in the state of Georgia.
KCCOF has an active Federal Tax Identification number and 501 (c) (3) tax exempt statuses which is on file with the Internal Revenue Service. We are a proud registered member of Dun & Bradstreet with an active D-U-N-S Number on file and a proud member of Georgia Center for Nonprofits.
The Kenneth Campfield Outreach Foundation, Inc. (KCCOF) vision and mission is providing community outreach support and net workingwith other community base organizations, community action groups, faith base ministries, foundations and corporate enterprises to help combat issues that
we face each day. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between the many organizations and the peoplewho need them. By supplying information to these organizations and building networks between the many community groups.
It is our vision to foster programs that will enhance the lives of the people in our communities and to
assure the people of our communities that there is help. We have developed relationships with the many community based organizations to enhance community teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration. Our key strength is our ability to network with others.
The Kenneth Campfield Outreach Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors is comprised of skilled professionals who bring valuable knowledge, experience and resources from both the public and private sectors to aid in the development and management of this foundation.
The efforts and expertise of each Director ensures the efficiency of the foundation’s Mission to help those who need help. The professional execution of the charitable interests of the founders, the Executive Advisory Board, Executive Advisors, Regional Directors, Staff and the empowerment of other communities groups will provide the much needed help to help those who are in need.
Our comprehensive information center gives us the technology to provide assistance to anyone anywhere. Our resource directory and helpful link directory are direct links to both federal and state services which many people don't know exist. We have and will continue to join forces with other community groups and faith base organization to develop a community workforce. With this workforce alone with our technology and expertise we will be able to place those who are in need with those who work to help the needy.
The Board of Directors Partnership Alliances with other community and faith base groups will help to extend the best service in all areas of our community. We have placed critical links on our website which are designed to carry out many of the foundation’s services with the highest levels of expertise and professionalism. The Executive Board members and the Executive Advisory members share a professional bond built on trust, quality, and outstanding community services. We have coined the phrase “Be blessed and be a Blessing to others". To The Kenneth Campfield Community Outreach Foundation’s staff these are not just words but the inspiration on this Foundation is build.
Our foundation has ten regional directors operating in five states, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee .
These regional directors work with other community base groups to help provide outreach services to the community.
The Kenneth Campfield Outreach Foundation, Inc. currently offers 8 services:
Community Awareness and Public Safety
Identity Theft workshops
KCCOF Adopt a Soldier Program
Education Awareness and teachers support
Health Care Awareness
Senior Society and outreach services
Youth Services and mentoring
Drug Intervention resource network
Senior Society and outreach services is our principal service, consists of 7 senior centers in states (Georgia and Tennessee ). These services provide outreach support to residents of senior center in the forms of donated items, in house programs and staff support.
The first service developed by The Kenneth Campfield Outreach Foundation, Inc. was KCCOF’s Senior Society and Outreach services and was introduced in 2007.
Since then, we have introduced the following services:
Community Awareness and Public Safety
Identity Theft workshops
KCCOF Adopt a Soldier Program
KCCOF Back To School Drive
Education Awareness and teachers support
Health Care Awareness
Senior Society and Outreach services of Tennessee and Ohio
Youth Services and mentoring
Drug Intervention resource network
KCCOF Clothing Drive
KCCOF Adopt a Grand Parent Program
The KCCOF Father and Son Conference
Mother and Daughter Retreat
Our Mission is to be a blessing to others.